Mode autonome


Intervention, 130m x 70m

Charleroi, Belgium, 2011

lower parking lot, Palais des Expositions

white exterior paint



Impressed by the fragile aesthetics and the fractured structures of Charleroi, we used a specific structure: One of the lower parking lots of the Palais des Expositions. Using the existing structure as a basis we developed a typography which makes the term »plan b« readable from the Terril de Piges.

»Mode autonome« re-utilises aged structures by concentrating on given elements and by allowing them to make new sense again. We see our work as a counter-concept to the »Broken Windows«-theory, whose goal is to repair and put things in order, avowedly to prevent further decay.



More about the projekt »Hotel Charleroi 2011«:

Booklet »Le chant des possibles« from